1 - A thought
2 - A connection
3 - A community or collaboration
4 - A foundation
5 - A change\conflict\thought of Self
6 - A value put on something
7 - A choice made my an individual that causes change in a group or connection
8 - An act of diligence given to one's purpose or goal
9 - An internal struggle that is being externalized
10 - Seeing the bigger picture and not being a victim of circumstance
11 - Acting in one's best interest
12 - Connecting to source and receiving insight
13 - Transforming in to the change you want to see and be
14 - Finding emotional balance in your own reality
15 - Allowing change to allow growth
16 - Internal change that is manifesting into the 3D realm
17 - A large upheaval of energy to calm and clarify
18 - Acceptance in one self and steps needed to move forward
19 - Using internalized energy to open up a new path
20 - Engaging with source or a connection to clarify....something
21 - Engaging in a heart felt thought
22 - Engaging in Spirit\Your Higher Self
23 - Creating something from love to affect a community
24 - A strong foundation in one's actions
25 - Doing something to bring a change
26 - Organizing something of importance
27 - Taking or doing what you feel is right
28 - Working hard knocking down obstacles in your path
29 - Being unsure but moving forward anyways
30 - Understanding what is happening around you
31 - Following the signs....
32 - Building on an idea that could go further
33 - Creating or forming a new concept from the old
34 - A strong feeling that you are creating your path....you are!!!
35 - A change in feeling that creates new actions
36 - Following through with a feeling to create something
37 - Your Higher Self fueling you on your path
38 - Neck deep in a lesson
39 - Climbing out of a situation that should of taught you a lot
40 - Lesson learned
41 - Using what works to change the way you feel about your reality
42 - Not giving any fucks what others say
43 - Adding on top of a solid foundation
44 - All up in your North Node energy!!!
45 - In disbelief of what is going on
46 - Feeling secure in your own energy
47 - Taking on or formulating a new challenge or idea
48 - A feeling that shit is about to go down
49 - A big feeling that shit is what it is
50 - It is what it is
51 - Inspiration after a big change
52 - Understanding a situation and finding a direction
53 - Creating something around a change
54 - Knowing what needs to happen next
55 - Enacting a change that needs to happen 56 - Being firm in a change
57 - Pushing an energy into existence
58 - Securing a change to create movement
59 - Staying firm in a change, it has a purpose
60 - Maintaining a change that has value
61 - Stabilizing something of value
62 - Feeling stable in something you find value in
63 - Creating from a place of value
64 - Chillin in a vibe that is all your own
65 - Wanting to elevate something you value
66 - Knowing you are on your shit!
67 - Trying to extract all the energy from something you value
68 - Knowing that what you are doing is and will take work
69 - Knowing that this is a risk but wanting to follow through anyways
70 - See the results of what you have done
71 - Just sitting in your lesson
72 - Knowing your finished or are about to complete a lesson
73 - Understanding that what happened, happened for a reason
74 - Turning information into knowledge
75 - Transforming knowledge into wisdom
76 - Understanding what information, knowledge and wisdom are; separately
77 - Holding knowledge for a purpose
78 - Holding knowledge to cause a certain outcome
79 - Knowing what you hold can do something for the collective
80 - Expressing something that you have worked on to others
81 - A thought about how what you did will be received
82 - Feeling some type of way about what you presented
83 - Creating something around you and worked hard on
84 - Being founded in your work
85 - Changing the way you work
86 - Really feeling what you are doing
87 - Taking something new from what you have been doing
88 - Working hard to be better at you
89 - Knowing that you need to change
90 - Living your fear...you are moving forward
91 - Knowing that this situation can go up or down
92 - Feeling out a situation that may be unclear
93 - Creating something from fear
94 - Standing in your own fear
95 - Changing the way you look at fear
96 - Building something new from your fear
97 - Pushing through your fear to realize your potential
98 - Knowing that you have to persevere
99 - Being
Please understand that your perspective of a situation is how you are going to view the message from numbers. Numbers just are, humans are being. Whatever vibration you are in causing you to see what you want.
Did the number not resonate with you? Maybe you are looking for something that is not there or should not be. Unhappy with the way things are going, acknowledge that and BE!!
What?! Did THEY resonate. Real talk.