When people ask you what your zodiac sign is, it is common to know you Sun sign, but there is more to the picture. The zodiac are representations of star constellations right above our heads. For example, if you are reading this when I posted it, the sun is in Pisces; on the Spring Equinox, it will change over into Aries season. The Big Three represent your Sun, Moon and Rising (Ascendant) Sign. Not all these placements deal with actual planets but different aspects and placements of various things.
Astrology is such an interesting subject and goes so deep. Some choose not to believe in it but the look on their face when you tell them about themselves; priceless! There are nine planets in our solar system, although the Sun is not considered a planet, it is still a part of our solar system and represents…you. More on that later. So we have Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; “My Very Educated Mother Just served Us Nine Pizza”, did you say it in your head? LOL! That covers the Sun and Moon sign but your Rising or Ascendant is an imaginary point of reference. Let me explain….
This is the wheel of the zodiac, number 1 represents the first house and is the house of Aries and comes all the way around counterclockwise to end with Pisces, number 12. The first house tells you what your Rising/Ascendant sign is. Figuring out what your signs are is as simple as a quick internet search of “free natal chart”. It is important to know the date, time and place of your birth. If you do not know the time, you will not be able to find out your Rising/Ascendant. Not the end of the world, for real thou.
It is more complex to understand the detailed workings of the chart, so I just want to focus on The Big Three. When you were born, your birth chart wheel was in a certain rotation, all the stars, planets, asteroids and some imaginary lines tell you who you are. How? Well, each zodiac represents a certain character, when that is put into a certain house, it alters said character. That is just one planet, throw in the other planets, the Sun, some asteroids and other all things Astrology; you have a whole buncha different types of personalities that have varying effects on one another. Compare it to a family the lives within you, some connections are good (trines) and others, not so good (oppositions). How all these characters get along is how you express act and feel inside.
The Sun represents the self, you; how you see yourself in your realty. The Moon, how you feel about things and what motives you. Your Rising/Ascendant, how you express yourself and other perceive you. These three placements speak about your immediate energy, the ones that have a bigger effect on things overall. To comprehend what this means, most free charts come with an explanation; for more in depth, consult an Astrologer. Persistent is also a great teacher, with repetition you will familiarize yourself with the Energies of each Element. Use that intention when learning complex subjects, do not overwhelm yourself. If you would like my interpretation of your Big Three, drop a comment below! My Sag moon love this stuff….lol!
Much Love…