Just a quick reference chart to help learn and memorize placements: House #, Zodiac sign, Element
The First House
Mars - How you do things
Masculine Energy
What starts the spark
March 21 - April 20
A thought
The Second House
Earth - How you feel things
Feminine Energy
How you feel about "your" things
April 21 - May 20
An internal feeling
The Third House
Air - How you think
Ambiguous Energy
How you feel about "things & stuff"
May 21 - June 20
Processing the "Good, Bad & Ugly"
The Fourth House
Water - How are you feeling
Feminine Energy
How you feel about your "people, places and things"
June 21 - July 22
Acting like you cannot be "shady"
The Fifth House
Fire - How you express your feelings
Feminine Energy
How you project yourself to the world
July 23 - August 22
Being innocently "you"
The Sixth House
Earth - How you get your shit together
Masculine Energy
How you stay "healthy, wealthy & stealthy"
August 23 - September 22
Understanding how you work internally
The Seventh House
Air - What about others?
Feminine Energy
Taking & making time for others
September 23 - October 23
Realizing it is not only about you
The Eighth House
Water - That darker feeling
Ambiguous Energy
Remembering past mistakes
October 23 - November 22
Learning to move on
Where Ancestors come from...
The Ninth House
Fire - Feeling the bigger picture
Masculine Energy
Learning to keep your cool
November 23 - December 21
Managing your demons
The Tenth House
Earth - We have been here
Masculine Energy
Keeping your spirits together
December 22 - January 19
Cleaning up your "Glass House"
The Eleventh House
Air - After the fact
Masculine Energy
Not giving one fuck away
January 20 - February 19
Sitting in the "shade"
The Twelfth House
Water - The End
Feminine Energy
Miss me with the shit
February 20 - March 20
I seen it
Break it down StarMoon!😀